The Little Things
The transformative power of travel is remarkable. It can expand your mind, break down borders, change your perspective, change your life. We’ve all heard Mark Twain’s famous quote “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness” – and it’s true.
But sometimes travel can be a bit of a beat-down. Long lines, missed connections, and confined spaces – it’s no coincidence that most examples that spring to mind relate to the physical act of getting there, specifically air travel (so much for the journey being more important than the destination).
That’s why I get a secret thrill when my boarding pass says “TSA Precheck.” It’s the little things that can make your day. Never mind the shorter lines such approval affords; the mere freedom to leave my liquids and laptop inside my carry-on has me floating through the airport security line with a spring in my step, my shoes on my feet, and a smile on my face. It’s not just about the time savings; it’s also the no-hassle factor.
It’s surprising that more people in the United States aren’t enrolled in the Transportation Security Administration’s Precheck Program, which expedites security screening for select frequent flyers at domestic airports. The TSA hopes to increase participation by making it easier than ever to become a “trusted traveler” this year. If you’re not already enrolled, ask your travel advisor about applying. After all, the latest issue of Virtuoso Life is packed with places to go and things to do, whether you’re heading slopeside to Saint-Moritz (page 106); to Puglia, Italy’s road-less-traveled coastal region (page 96); or to one of the ten destinations our advisors recommend for 2015 (page 88). Zipping through security is a fortuitous way to start a trip – and the new year. Here’s to safe, speedy, enjoyable journeys in 2015.
Elaine Srnka
Editorial Director
The post The Little Things appeared first on Virtuoso Luxury Traveler.